January 24, 2025

Conference Presentations

Most of the presentations given at the 2012 EERI Annual Meeting and National Earthquake Conference are shown below. The presentations are organized in the order of their delivery at the conference.

Wednesday, April 11: Learning From Earthquakes
Plenary Sessions Concurrent Sessions
9:00-10:30am LESSONS FROM RECENT EARTHQUAKES,PT1:Seismology, Tsunami, & Geotechnical Engineering 3:30-5:00pm URM Performance in Recent Earthquakes
Learning from the Past to Protect the Future: TsunamisLori Dengler Seismic Performance of Masonry Buildings after 2009 L’Aquila EarthquakeSergio Lagomarsino
Some Geotechnical Lessons from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and the 2010-11 Christchurch Ross Boulanger Performance of Masonry Structures in Christchurch, New Zealand during the 2010/2011 EarthquakesArturo Schultz
Performance of Unreinforced Masonry in Van, TurkeyPolat Gulkan
Expected Performance of URMs in MemphisRichard Howe
10:30am-12 noon LESSONS FOR TODAY FROM THE 1811-1812 NEW MADRID EARTHQUAKES &BICENTENNAL EVENTS 3:30-5:00pm Critical Structures in Recent Earthquakes
The New Madrid Earthquakes Bicentennial: A Teachable Moment?Chris Cramer In Harm’s Way: School Damage in Recent Earthquakes, and Why the Lessons Are Rarely AppliedYumai Wang
Performance of Ports in Recent EarthquakesGlenn Rix
Lessons Learned from the Performance of Highway Bridges in Recent EarthquakesIan Buckle
Quantifying Loss of Function of Critical Building Systems due to Recent Seismic EventsJudith Mitrani-Reiser
1:30-3:00pm LESSONS FROM RECENT EARTHQUAKES, PT.2:Built Environment, Preparation and Response, Societal Impacts 3:30-5:00pm Post-Earthquake Clearinghouses
Performance of the Built Environment in Recent EarthquakesJack Moehle Central US Earthquake Consortium State Geological Surveys’ Technical Clearinghouses for Earthquake ResponseRobert Bauer
Preparedness and Response LessonsRich Eisner FEMA’s Role in Technical ClearinghousesDoug Bausch
Societal ImpactsKathleen Tierney The Central U.S. Is Earthquake Country (and it’s not just the New Madrid seismic zone)Rob Williams
Data Collection Tools for Earthquake ReconnaissanceCharles Huyck
3:30-5:00pm Geotechnical Lessons
Geotechnical Lessons Learned from the M7.0 2010 Haiti Earthquake: Why the Palace FellBrady Cox
Geotechnical Aspects of the M8.8 2010 Maule, Chile EarthquakeScott Olson
An Overview of the Geotechnical Aspects of the 2010-2011 Canterbury, New Zealand Earthquake SequenceRussell Green
Geotechnical Effects of the March 11, 2011 Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake, JapanShideh Dashti
So Many Earthquakes: What is the Potential to Change the Way We Do Business?Ellen Rathje
3:30-5:00pm Preparedness and Response Lessons
Disaster Mitigation in California: Building Resilient CommunitiesRichard Eisner
Informal Online Communications: Uses and Abuses of Social Media in DissasterJeannette Sutton
Counter-disaster Measures for People with Functional Needs Following the Great East Japan Earthquake: Basic Facts, Challenges and Their SolutionsShig Tatsuki
3:30-5:00pm Recovery Lessons
The Unique Qualities of Long-term Post-disaster RecoveryRobert Olshansky
National Disaster Recovery Framework Introduction & Close-UpDeb Ingram
Greensburg, KS Rebuilding…Stronger, Better, Greener!Bob Dixson


Thursday, April 12: Assessing Vulnerabilities
Plenary Sessions Concurrent Sessions
8:00-8:20am 2010-11 EERI/FEMA NEHRP GRADUATE FELLOW 1:30-3:00pm Advances in Early Warning
Moving Minds, Moving Policy: What The City of Berkeley’s Soft-Story Ordinance Can Teach Us About Motivating Property Owners to RetrofitSharyl Rabinovici ShakeAlert: Earthquake Early WarningDoug Given
ShakeAlert: Earthquake Early Warning in the USPeggy Hellweg
Advances in Early WarningJohn McPartland
8:20-9:00am 2012 EERI DISTINGUISHED LECTURE 1:30-3:00pm Overcoming Barriers to Mitigation & Retrofitting
The New Normal for Natural DisastersThomas O’Rourke Challenges in Seismic Retrofitting MLGW FacilitiesJay Stressel
University of Memphis Cecil Humphreys Law School Retrofit – Scott Fleming
Memphis/Shelby County Building Code Adoption and Challenges – Robert Paullus
9:00-10:30am LARGE, VULNERABLE AND CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE 1:30-3:00pm Incorporating Aftershocks in Risk Analyis
National Dam Safety Program Sandra Knight Revising Seismic Design Levels to Account for Time-Varying Hazard from Canterbury Earthquake SequenceMatt Gerstenberger
Seismic Design Practice in TennesseeEd Wasserman Post-Mainshock Probabilistic Risk Quantification: Why and How?Nicolas Luco
A Reassessment of Seismic Hazards and Risk at Nuclear Power Plants in the U.S.: An NRC PerspectiveJon Ake Quantifying Mainshock-Aftershock Collapse Probabilities for Woodframe BuildingsJohn van de Lindt
Aftershock Collapse Fragility for Mainshock-Damaged Reinforced Concrete BuildingsAbbie Liel
11am-12 noon EARTHQUAKES AND CASCADING FAILURES 1:30-3:00pm Nuclear Power Plants: Fukushima & U.S.
How Can Our Understanding of the Risk of Cascading Failures Be Used to Help Build Resilience?Chris Poland The Central and Eastern U.S. Seismic Source Characterization for Nuclear Facilities (CEUS SSC) ProjectLarry Salomone
Cascading Failures in Catastrophic Earthquake Events: The Risk Finance PerspectiveCraig Tillman Challenges in Seismic Hazard Analyses in the U.S. in the 21st Century: Are We Addressing the Extreme Events?Ivan Wong
The Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Plant AccidentGeorge Flanagan
3:30-5:00pm UNDERSTANDING AND COMMUNICATING RISK 1:30-3:00pm Network Analysis: Complexity of Interdependency
Earthquake Policy: Communicating Information to Those in PowerJohn Bwarie A Three-Service Utility’s System Interdependencies: Analysis and Mitigation EffortsRick Bowker
Evaluating and Communicating Seismic Risk in Low-Probability/High-Consequence Earthquake RegionsTerry Tullis Understanding Interdependent Infrastructure Systems: Modeling Insights and Practical ChallengesLeonardo Duenas-Osorio
“Cracking the Code” The Role of Value-Based Messaging in Motivating Household Preparedness ActionKate Long
Incorporating Societal Safety Issues into BusinessesLucy Arendt
1:30-3:00pm Community Preparedness
Building Resilience Through Community Preparedness and EngagementElaine Clyburn
American Red Cross Community Preparedness InitiativesDavid Kitchen
Memphis South Main Retrofit Demonstration ProjectDmitry Ozeryansky
FEMA Preparedness & PartnershipsKen Shalitzky


Friday, April 13: Building Resilience
Plenary Sessions
Central US Earthquake Scenarios & their Implications for Mitigation, Response & RecoveryGreg Hempen
Scenario Modeling for the New Madrid Seismic ZoneDoug Bausch
Risk Implications of Alternative Views of the New Madrid Seismic HazardPatricia Grossi
Magnitude 6 Earthquake Scenarios for the New Madrid-Wabash Valley RegionOliver Boyd
Resilience Assessed by Comparing Scenarios’ LossesRobert Bauer
Beyond Impacts: The Use and Benefits of the EERI New Madrid Earthquake ScenariosGreg Hempen
Utility Earthquake Mitigation: Considerations, Requirements, ActionsDonald Shaw
Retrofit & Preservation of the National Civil Rights Museum, MemphisRich Howe
Retrofitting in the CUS: A Federal PerspectiveMike Mahoney
Disaster-Proof Schools: A National ChallengeNancy Bailey, Barry Welliver, & Edward Wolf
Oregon Schools: Accelerating Seismic School SafetyYumei Wang
Providing Safe Schools for your Students: Washington State Seismic Safety Committee School Assessment Pilot ProjectCale Ash & John Schelling
Life-Safety Risks to Schools from Earthquake Damage to Nonstructural Components and SystemsMichael Griffin
Earthquake Mitigation GrantNicholas Thiele
Lunch Presentation
Building Near FaultsJonathan Bray